What's next?


So, I've been over here sort of meandering through my WIPs not quite sure what I could work on. It's been hard to concentrate lately and my WIPs are suffering for it. I know what I should be working on, but my brain is like...nah, we're gonna do this instead. I have another Destiny book all planned out, but Amina is being tricky. lol so...  What has been pushing itself to the forefront and demanding all types of attention is a new series I'm calling the Georgia Arcana Series. I had the series planned for much, much later, like next year, but sometimes characters become impatient and start talking before their turn. I got really excited about these characters. If you follow me on Twitter, you know I've been bouncing around the idea of doing a romantic suspense. Well, Nic and JT are going to be that. Of course, you know I don't write without adding in my shifters, so JT is rep-ing for the wolves in this series. The series will follow three Fouche cousins as they navigate solving a murder, breaking a generational family curse...quite literally...and holding on to the land that their ancestors gave their lives to protect. It's going to be all kinds of country, giving you witches, small town shenanigans and hot guys who push past all warnings about how dangerous it is to fall in love with the Fouche women. I mentioned that curse, right?  I'm anxious to share these ladies with y'all. I'll keep you posted as I get closer to release!


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